Cody's Tree Service is the largest provider of firewood in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

Split/Cord Wood
Cody's Tree Service is proud to sell some of the finest firewood in Lake Tahoe. We are the largest local provider of firewood in Lake Tahoe. We can deliver up to 2 cords at a time, or you may come and pick it up yourself. 1 Full cord is equal to 128 cubic feet. Our wood is cut to 16"-18". The wood is a soft wood pine mix. We also offer Lodgepole/Tamarack which is the best softwood available.. We do not offer hard wood.

Please call for pricing and availability.

Bag/Bundle Firewood
Cody's Tree Service is now offering bagged/bundled firewood. These bundles are perfect for camping. You can stop by our shop and be in and out in less than a minute with premium camping firewood. We can supply you or your company with any amount of bundles. It doesn't matter if its 1 or 1,000 we can help you with your firewood needs. We are the only local company to offer firewood bundles. Please call for pricing and to learn more information about our firewood bags/bundles.

*Cody's Tree Service is proud to be the official supplier of firewood bundles to Camp Richardson Resort.

Custom Orders
We can supply you with custom wood orders. We can load the bed of your pick up truck, or the trunk of your car. We can also cut specific length wood. We can cut "discs" which are great targets or potential serving platters.

Decorative Beams, Boards, and Lumber
We are proud to now offer decorative beams, boards, and lumber. The wood we have is all obtained and milled locally. We select only our finest logs to be milled. The possibilities of what you can create are truly limitless. This lumber is a wood workers dream.


Rounds and Whole Logs
Cody's Tree Service can provide you with whole logs or rounds. Typically the most efficient and practical way of delivering this wood is straight from our job sites. However, if you have the ability to transport them, you can come and pick out logs/rounds yourself. We have many wood carvers who purchase these from us.